Our planet earth – It’s the little things

This week I watched the documentary Before the Flood by Leonardo DiCaprio. Most people would of heard of this documentary as it has been round for a while now. I’m surprised I actually haven’t seen it sooner. The film is about climate change, the state of the world, what we as humans have created (hint – it’s not good), and what we can do to fix this issue. I found the documentary enjoyable is a informing way. Everybody should watch this! If you don’t understand climate change, watch it! If you don’t believe in climate change, watch it! How can you not want to change your life after watching this!? The state of our planet is actually fixable. That’s what got me. If we all just did our bit, we could actually change the world. I always saw our planet as this broken disaster that was so far gone is wasn’t fixable. That this is what we have done, we just have to live with it because even if we do our share, the problem is too big for us to change it. So many people have this view. Some to the extent that they think why should I even try if the planet is already fucked… It’s so far gone, beyond me saving it, so I’m just going to keep doing what I’ve always been doing….Making it worse. Worse for this new generation. Worse for their kids, and their kids.  But this film gives us the new hope that shit can get better. If EVERYBODY gets their a-into-g then this place has a chance. I think anybody with a heart and a brain would jump on that like a rash..

So how do we do this? Of course we need companies to get on board. Tesla, a great example. Elon Musk appeared in the film with his company, electric cars are the future. No more fuel + no more emissions = A cooler plant and a better environment for everybody. Makes sense! There are a lot of companies who won’t jump on board with this “let’s save the planet” idea. Obviously the fuel companies. Why would they when they would essentially lose business, lose money, and a lot of it. There is some truth that money makes the world go around, and yes these companies like to spread the shit that climate change isn’t a thing with their “facts”, just so they keep the ‘good ole days’ going and money keeps coming. But it really comes down to use to make a difference. Who buys the fuel? People. You and me. Now we have options. We have electric cars, we have the choice to purchase what we want. We can purchase a Tesla and not use fuel. That is our voice. This goes for everything you buy!

Palm oil for instance. This crap is in everything!! Nutella, moisturisers, cosmetics, Doritos etc. New Zealand dairy farmers use so much palm kernel for feed for their cows despite KNOWING the impact this has on the rain forests in Indonesia. They even get pamphlets in the mail showing oragantan’s with no food and trees, information on the impact of the choice of food for their cows. This doesn’t even stop most farmers. I know this, because I grew up on a dairy farm. I have seen these pamphlets! And I am proud to say that my dad has never used palm kernel and never will. He’s an animal lover, which makes him a excellent farmer. It would totally contradict his beliefs if he then went and ordered palm kernel knowing animals suffer just so he gets more milk and money. Why do more farmers not care?? Why is everybody so obsessed with money and wealth when there is a much bigger picture? How can they not care? To me it’s like saying you don’t care about you’re kids or grandkids. Because this does affect them! Again this is a choice that us consumers can make. We can change this if we stop purchasing products that have a negative impact on our environment. Start to look into what you are eating and using. You do need to think with every action – is this the best option. Google is your best friend. I google better options, just to see if it exists. Every time I have found a better product that does the same thing for less or no impact on the environment. We have options, people are out there creating things for us that are good for us and the world! If we all purchased organic, sustainable, compostable, ethic products we would be living in such great place knowing we are changing our ways. We are thinking about the future, our children’s future. No longer just for yourself. Isn’t that the greatest feeling.

My top websites for sustainable, ethic, organic and cruelty free products.

https://ethiquebeauty.com – No plastic bottles. Awesome shampoo and conditioner. Also you end up saving money in the long run!

https://ohnatural.co.nz – My go-to shop for everything! This site is fabulous. Products for beauty, home and health.

https://www.lilybeewrap.com  – Alternative to glad warp. This is all I use now for wrapping up food items. So handy, smells like honey and lasts forever!

https://mandr.shop – essential oils, skincare and supplements.